Safeguarding and Whistleblowing
Hanley acknowledges the duty of care to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and adults at risk. The club is committed to ensuring safeguarding practice reflects statutory responsibilities, government guidance and complies with best practice and LTA requirements. Documents explaining Hanley's Safeguarding Policy, our position on diversity and the procedures we will follow, can be found HERE, HERE and HERE
The Club Welfare Officer is Nick Serre who can be contacted on: 07866 337064
We ask members and visitors not to smoke or vape in, or immediately outside the clubhouse, anywhere on the courts, or anywhere near where a group is gathered as part of an activity.
Otherwise, please use common sense and if you want to smoke or vape, please do it where it doesn’t disturb anyone.
Details of our complaints policy and procedures can be found HERE
Health and Safety
Our Health and safety Policy can be found HEhealth_and_safety_policy_and_ra__sept_23.pdfRE The club has a number of members who have attended a first aid course and a defibrillator can be found in the clubhouse.
All accidents should be recorded in the Accident Book, giving as much detail as possible, which is kept near the first aid kit. Please also advise a Committee member so that prompt action can be taken, if necessary, over the cause of the accident.
Use of changing rooms
Our policy can be found HERE
Gas Safety Certificate
Can be found HERE
Presentation on proposals for new LED lighting can be found Here