Our clubhouse was redeveloped in 2017 and new furniture was installed in

In 2017, with the help of a grant from Sport England, we refurbished
the clubhouse.and well done all who helped make it happen !. In 2022, Ferhan came up with a new interior design scheme, which was executed in February with, again, thanks to all those that helped, in particular the Ikea assembly team !
the clubhouse.and well done all who helped make it happen !. In 2022, Ferhan came up with a new interior design scheme, which was executed in February with, again, thanks to all those that helped, in particular the Ikea assembly team !
We've never looked so good! Hanley's dream, as imagined by our resident genius architect, Nigel
Hanley as we knew it. Much loved but in dire need of a refurb.
Following our AGM on Sunday 13 November, ready for the contents of the kitchen to be boxed up for storage. Sofa so good, sorting 40 years of rubbish! Work begins on November 14. Goodbye tatty sofas. Kitchen demolition starts - bye bye old bar, you served us well. The walls are taken down. No turning back now! Deep into November and outside tennis continues as normal, while inside, well, welcome to the worksite. Doors are installed just before Christmas, as the new clubhouse begins to take shape. Not a lot of progress over Christmas as budgets are discussed. But towards the end of December the kitchen starts to look like a kitchen again. Thank you to Howden’s in Hornsey for their generosity in donating towards the full cost of the units. By the end of December it's a case of Happy New Loo! Meanwhile Yogi, deep in thought, takes a moment to contemplate this brave new world. Alan inspects. Just look at our brand new counter. All we need now is June to keep bar. And check out the tiling on that kitchen! February 2017. Nearly there now. The finishing line is in sight. Watch this space for updates. Now we're cooking!
We've always catered with style at Hanley, but now we'll be catering in style too!
And doing so for events, matches or tournaments is going to be so much easier from now on. With thanks Thank you, Hanley members for your patience during the refurb. Thank you, Sport England, for your generous funding. Thank you Leo and team for doing such a great job. Thank you, Maurice, Nigel, Steve, Martin, Mike, Mathew, Ian and everybody who has given up their time and energies to help. Proof that Hanley’s cooperative spirit is alive and well! The clubhouse is already looking so much better and we’re hearing how impressed our existing members are. We’re hoping that a few new faces might come along to see our wonderful updated facilities too. A few last touches and we’ll be ready to celebrate. Our Cinderella club has had her magic makeover. Watch this space for news of a very special do to celebrate our clubhouse makeover. |